
Our full selection of articles exploring mindfulness.

Man with beard smiling and repeating mantras for self love

15 Self Love Mantras to Increase Compassion (+ Printable)

Mantras for self love are a way to become more loving and compassionate towards yourself. Over time, self love mantras can help your default mode of thinking become increasingly positive. The following list of mantras for self love can help you start to rewire your brain towards seeing your inherent worth. For some reason, loving…

Positive Mantras to Live By

191 Good Mantras to Live By (+ List of Mantras PDF)

Choosing a few mantras to live by can help you understand your values and what’s important to you. Repeating those mantras regularly can help you keep your focus on the things that matter to you. By going through this list of mantras, you can find the ones that resonate with you most—and take action on…

33 Mindfulness Exercises for Present-Moment Living

33 Mindfulness Exercises for Present-Moment Awareness

Mindfulness exercises are a form of mental training, helping you live more in the present each day. By choosing mindfulness exercises that fit neatly into your life, building awareness can become an easier process. From “urge surfing” to mindful hugs to mantra meditation, this list of “staying in the moment exercises“ has something for everyone….

Gratitude Affirmations

71 Printable Gratitude Affirmations (+ PDF) for a Thankful Life

Gratitude affirmations can help you grow in appreciation for every aspect of your life. Gratitude has a compounding effect – the more you express it each day, the more things you find to be grateful for. This list of affirmations for gratitude and abundance is designed to help you cultivate feelings of thankfulness. It’s easy…

Printable Self Love Affirmations

71 Printable Self Love Affirmations (+ PDF)

Affirmations for self love are a way to internalize compassion and love for yourself. Over time, affirmations can help replace these negative thoughts with positive thoughts. This list of 71 self love affirmations and self worth affirmations (+ self love printable download) can help you start to rewire your brain for self love, positivity, and…

17 Mindfulness Group Activities

17 Mindfulness Group Activities For Adults

There’s way more variety to group mindfulness activities than the seated meditation, group yoga, and gratitude lists that most of us first think of. From outside meditation to group hugs to mindful cooking classes, the options for mindful group exercises are endless. When you’re designing mindfulness activities for groups, it can be hard to know…

Mindfulness Activities for Kids

15 Fun Mindfulness Activities for Kids (+ PDF)

The best mindfulness exercises for kids are interactive mindfulness activities. Fortunately, from pebble meditations to the raisin exercise to mindfulness books for children, there’s a wealth of options to help kids learn about mindfulness. If you’ve ever seen a child try and sit still on a meditation pillow – or anywhere – you understand what…

31 Fun & Calming Mindfulness Activities for Teens

31 Fun & Calming Mindfulness Activities for Teens

Mindfulness activities for teens are similar to the activities you’d practice as an adult. But it’s important to put them in a context teenagers are interested in. That means you need mindfulness activities for teens that are relevant to their lives (like meditating to make studying easier) or doing exercises that spark curiosity (like mindful…

Calming Mindfulness Activities for Adults

25 Quick Mindfulness Activities for Adults (+ PDF)

Mindfulness activities for adults are much more diverse than the typical activities we think of first, like seated meditation and yoga. From gratitude to self-compassion, from mindful eating to mindful hugs, the options for incorporating mindfulness into your everyday life are endless. Mindfulness is such a vast topic that sometimes it’s hard to know where…

Mindful Cooking Tips for Cooking Meditation

9 Mindful Cooking Tips to Cook With Intention

Mindful cooking, also known as cooking meditation, is the art of cooking with patience, curiosity, and nonjudgment, while paying attention to smells and flavors. When you’re cooking mindfully, you treat cooking as if it were a meditation by approaching each action with intention, rather than rushing through it.  I’ll be honest – cooking is often…

A woman sitting in a room with minimalist decor

How to Live Minimalistically With Mindful Minimalism

Mindful minimalism is the art of striking a balance between buying less and not obsessing over buying less. It means owning fewer things, while at the same time, not becoming overly attached to the mission or identity of being “minimalist.”  I’ll explain. For a good three or four years during the mid 2010’s, my dream…

how to get in touch with your emotions

How to Get In Touch with Your Emotions (10 Ways)

If you’re struggling with how to get in touch with your emotions, the best way is to pay attention to what’s happening in your mind and body, to recognize common emotional triggers, and to challenge yourself to identify underlying emotions by going one level deeper. When I was a teenager, I spent a lot of…

Mindful Marketing

The 10 Principles of Mindful Marketing

Mindful marketing is about your audience, not about you. It’s about education, relationships, values, awareness, human-to-human interactions, helping first, and asking for permission instead of spamming. The best way to explain mindful marketing is simple: Default to helping people first. Some companies operate based on what THEY need. The focus is on 100 cold calls…

Mindful shopping by a woman at a store

7 Ways Mindful Shopping Can Help You Save Money

Mindful shopping means keeping your values and personal goals in mind when you buy things. It’s a way to consider the impact an item has on your life, on the environment, and on others. The days of the mindless consumer economy are over. In the 1980s, the movie Wall Street said “greed is good.” In…

Printable Mindfulness Journal Template

7-Day Printable Mindfulness Journal Template

A mindfulness journal template is one way to get started with mindfulness journaling quickly. Mindfulness can have profound effects on your life, but its effects aren’t immediate. That means that keeping your practice going will be one of your biggest challenges. For many people, a template for journaling can help. If you’ve ever felt like…

Little boy reading the Bible

Christian Mindfulness: An Introduction

Christian mindfulness embraces living in the present moment, contemplative prayer, silent reflection, meditating on Biblical passages, avoiding worry about the future, and noticing and letting go of negative thoughts. Let’s start here: mindfulness itself isn’t religious. That means Christians can practice mindfulness separately from their religious activities, just as they would with exercise or therapy….

61 Mindfulness Journal Prompts for Students

61 Mindfulness Journal Prompts for Students (+ Printable PDF)

Mindfulness journal prompts, together with a mindfulness journal, are tools to help students understand how they’re feeling. Teachers often use mindfulness questions for students as a framework to give students another way to understand themselves, and to get in touch with their emotions. It’s hard to know how you’re feeling sometimes. Journaling is an excellent tool for…

Woman writing in a mindfulness journal while seated at a table

59 Mindfulness Journal Prompts (Printable)

Mindfulness journaling is about reflecting on your mindfulness journey, helping you use writing as a way to grow your awareness. When you sit down to journal, the blank page can be intimidating. That’s where mindfulness journaling prompts come in handy. Typical journals are about daily events, and whatever else comes to mind. Mindfulness journaling is…

Abundance Mindset Examples

15 Abundance Mindset Exercises (To Release Scarcity)

Shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance starts with adding abundance mindset exercises into your life: exercises like awareness, gratitude journaling, visioning, self-compassion, and generosity.  Abundance is a beautiful outlook to take as you look at the world.  Instead of seeing too little, with abundance, you see enough. Instead of seeing limitations, you see possibilities….

Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset

Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset (How to Cultivate Abundance)

The main difference between a scarcity mindset vs abundance mindset is that scarcity causes you to hold onto what you have, focus your attention on costs, and think small. Abundance is about thinking big, focusing on opportunities, taking risks, and betting on yourself. When I was a kid, there’s one thing I always remember from my…