
Our full selection of articles exploring meditation.

How Many People Meditate In The World

How Many People Meditate? (2024 Meditation Statistics)

Approximately 275 million people meditate around the world. The data behind this estimate is a combination of government surveys and Google Trends data across multiple languages. In this article, I’ll walk you through how I reached this estimate, and why I think it’s the most accurate answer to date. It’s harder to find an answer…

Meditate before or after workout

Should I Meditate Before Or After A Workout?

Is the best time for meditation before or after a workout? The short answer is that both options are totally fine. Preferably, you should do them in whichever order helps you keep both habits going long-term. Meditation and exercise in the morning is often seen as the ideal routine to prepare both your mind and…

does meditation increase iq

Does Meditation Increase IQ? 3 Ways Meditation Makes You Smarter

Based on a variety of studies in recent decades on both IQ and EQ, it looks likely that meditation has the capacity to increase both your intelligence and emotional intelligence. Not only that—meditation can increase the physical size of your brain and help it work better. Let’s review what the scientific research says on meditation…

where is meditation most popular

The Top 59 Countries Where Meditation Is Most Popular

Meditation has been growing in popularity around the world for decades now. And of course, meditation has historical roots in countries like India, China, Korea and Japan. But where is meditation most popular today? While no reliable global surveys have been done on the popularity of meditation across the world, we can understand its relative…

Yoga versus Meditation

Yoga vs Meditation: What’s the Difference?

What’s the main difference between yoga vs meditation? Yoga is a holistic practice intended to unify the body and mind. Meditation falls under the umbrella of yoga activities, as a practice specifically focused on the mind. When you’re lying at the end of a yoga session in Savasana—the resting pose at the end of many…

What to do after meditation

What to Do After Meditation (And What Not to Do)

The best thing to do after meditation is to continue to sit for a bit longer, processing your experience and maintaining a state of calm. If you have time, move on to an activity that supports your mindfulness, like journaling to consolidate the progress you have just made, or walking meditation. You might be wondering…

Zen Meditation vs Mindfulness

Zen Meditation vs Mindfulness

The main difference between Zen meditation and mindfulness is that while both cultivate awareness, Zen meditation techniques are firmly rooted in Buddhism, while the modern mindfulness movement is secular. The goal of Zen meditation is to achieve a state of pure awareness and enlightenment. Mindfulness is a secular awareness practice and isn’t connected to a…

Did Jesus Meditate

Did Jesus Meditate? Evidence from the Bible and Ancient Palestine

Did Jesus meditate? In short, yes — but it depends on the definition of meditation used. Biblical records show Jesus spent much time in solitary prayer and contemplation. In addition, some Jewish teachers in the time of Jesus were beginning to adopt a more personal, mystical approach to religion. There’s significant debate about whether Jesus…

10 Day Silent Retreat Experience

My 10 Day Silent Retreat Experience (What to Expect)

When I went on a 10 day silent meditation retreat, I had no idea what to expect. If you’re considering a meditation retreat, my hope is that my experience may help you. Wondering what it’s like to go on a meditation retreat, and if it’s worth it? The retreat I joined was a 10-day silent meditation…

How to Make Meditation Easier

5 Ways to Make Meditation Easier

Most of us feel like we “fail” at meditation as soon as we get distracted. But the truth is, that’s what meditation is about: getting distracted and then coming back to the present moment. Without distraction, the exercise wouldn’t work. In this article, I’ll discuss why “failing” at meditation is necessary along the path to…