Gratitude affirmations can help you grow in appreciation for every aspect of your life. Gratitude has a compounding effect – the more you express it each day, the more things you find to be grateful for. This list of affirmations for gratitude and abundance is designed to help you cultivate feelings of thankfulness.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeing only the bad in the world.
But your mindset has a powerful effect on the way you interpret the events in your life.
Get dozens of one-page exercises to help practice mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, and self love. Perfect for printable handouts when teaching mindfulness to groups, students, or in the workplace.
To see examples, plus a full list of the 61 exercises included, click below.
With a grateful outlook on life, you may find that you can appreciate experiences that you would have once categorized as negative.
That’s why gratitude affirmations can be so helpful.
By expressing gratitude more regularly, you can begin to make it more of an ingrained habit. Before long, you’ll find things to be grateful for everywhere.
Below is a printable PDF version of this list of affirmations for gratitude. You can also check out this guided gratitude meditation.
Let’s dive into the affirmations of gratitude below.
71 Affirmations of Gratitude

- For all the good in my life, I am grateful.
- I’m grateful for the support I receive from those who care about me.
- I’m grateful to my body, for being my home. I commit to taking care of it.
- For moments of energy, inspiration, and motivation – I am grateful.
- For the chance to grow into the best version of myself – I am grateful.
- Today’s technologies allow me to keep in touch with friends and family in different cities and different countries. I’m grateful for the chance to keep my relationships strong from afar.
- I’m grateful for the mere fact of existing.
- Each day I’m able to wake up is a blessing.
- Today, I did the best I could. I’m grateful for the effort I was able to give.
- I am grateful for the opportunity to love myself and show compassion to myself.
- I am grateful to love, and I am grateful to be loved.
- For the material possessions I have, I am grateful. For the relationships that make life richer, I am grateful.
- Sometimes, I’m reminded that life is short. For a brief moment, I know that I must appreciate each minute of the day. I’m grateful for those reminders.

- Today, I’m grateful for the chance to grow in whatever way I choose.
- For food, water, and shelter, I am grateful.
- I’m grateful for animals and children, who remind us to be playful and joyful.
- I’m grateful for having my voice heard and for the ability to express my thoughts.
- Gratitude is a filter that makes everything better. I choose to look at the world through eyes of gratitude.
- Stopping to smell the roses is a key part of life. I commit to noticing the beauty of nature each day.
- Each and every day, I feel more grateful.
- Being playful is the essence of living a life that’s full of light and joy. I commit to cultivating a playful approach to life.
- With each experience I have, I’m grateful for the lessons I learn along the way.
- When I cultivate gratitude and happiness, I not only have an impact on myself, but on those around me.
- I recognize that happiness is within me, and that gratitude is the basis for happiness.
- Gratitude helps me focus on what could go right, instead of what could go wrong.
- Although I’m working towards the life of my dreams, I’m grateful for what I have now.
- Everything I am, and everything I have, is already enough.
- Every experience in the past made me who I am today. I am grateful for all of them.
- I’m committed to a life focused on joy and appreciation for what I have.
- My family helped shape who I am today. I am grateful for them.
- For every sigh of contentment and moment of peace in my life – I am grateful.
- For every feeling of surprise, of pride, and of tenderness I’ve felt – I am grateful.

- I appreciate the younger versions of myself. I’ve grown so much, but I could never be where I am today without having first gone through what I went through.
- I walk the Earth in appreciation for every living thing on the planet. I feel connected to every plant, animal, and human.
- The water I drink and the air I breathe are gifts. I’m grateful for each sip and each breath.
- Life is a series of milestones, triumphs, and celebrations; but also heartbreak and struggle. I strive to live each moment with appreciation, including those that are hard.
- For all the love and support shown to me by my partner – I am grateful.
- As I open my eyes each morning, I feel a sense of gratitude. Each day is a unique gift.
- In life, we get an unlimited number of opportunities to reinvent ourselves. I am grateful for the endless opportunities I have to grow.
- I appreciate the chance to look at life through the lens of optimism. I believe that everything will work out.
- I am happy for everything I have.
- I’m grateful for the chance to give to others.
- For the progress I’m able to make each day and the small steps I’m able to take, I’m deeply grateful.
- As I breathe in, I’m breathing more gratitude into my life.
- I appreciate the chance to contribute to the world.
- I recognize that my life is meaningful. I’m grateful for the chance to have an impact on others.
- For the moments when I’m able to release tension and stress, I’m grateful.
- I trust that when I do something kind, it comes back to me.
- Zooming out, I know that everything that’s happening in my life will lead me where I need to go.
- I’m grateful for the obstacles in life. They’re a chance to strengthen my resilience.
- Every day, I choose to take a few moments to be grateful.
- For every laugh, smile, and moment of joy in my life – I am grateful.
- Each day, I move further into a state of gratitude.
- As I walk through the world, every tree, flower, and bird is a reminder to be grateful.
- Life is a constant chance to learn and grow. I’m grateful to be a lifelong learner.
- Gratitude compounds. The more I express gratitude, the more I see the world through the lens of gratitude.
- Gratitude is a choice. I choose gratitude each and every day.
- For each moment of kindness shown to me by others – I am grateful.
- For every meal I eat, I am grateful for the farmers, workers, and drivers who got the food to me.
- My attitude is changing from one of constriction to one of abundance. With gratitude, I know I have enough.

- Today, I’m grateful to be alive. I resolve to approach the day with lightness and playfulness.
- For the gift of creativity, I am grateful. I will honor my creative gifts by taking action on them.
- For my happy, positive emotions and my sad, heavy emotions, I am grateful.
- I’m grateful for the ability to forgive myself and show compassion to myself.
- I’m grateful for the unique spirit and way of being I bring to the world, just by existing.
- I’m grateful for the chance to work on projects that matter to me.
- For the chance to dream of a better future – I am grateful.
- I’m grateful for sunrises and sunsets. The tapestry of our world is magical.
- For those “aha!” moments that have led me to make changes in my life, I am grateful.
- For awe-inspiring moments in nature, I am grateful.
- I strive to appreciate the journey – not just the destination.

My mindfulness practice kicked off in 2016 with a ten-day silent retreat. Since then, I’ve read dozens of books about mindfulness and completed hundreds of hours of meditation. Thinking about what makes humans happy, calm, and peaceful is endlessly fascinating to me.